The Summer Deck Dilemma: Wood Deck vs Duradek Vinyl Decking

Let’s break it down.
Summer is here which means we break out the BBQ aprons as the air fills with the sizzle from the grill. A time where family, friends and pets get together and enjoy food upon our squeaky, loose and not so inviting deck…?
Is it time to replace the deck? Do I D.I.Y.? Which contractor should I call? How much will it cost? Which is better, safer, cleaner and more durable – vinyl or cedar? Welcome to the deck dilemma. This is what you need to know:
Duradek Vinyl Decking
1. Time: Quick and easy installation with Modern’s qualified technicians as a Duradek dealer.
2. Costs. Reduced labour time, One quote – no weighing up offers from different contractors, Not quoted by linear ft, No need for treatment and painting.
3. Colour options: A multitude of the best Duradek colours.
4. 100% waterproof, no slips and no snags or splinters.
5. Convenience – easy to clean smooth surfaces no scrubbing necessary -(best to avoid pressure washing to not void warranty)
6. Maintenance – Almost none! No peeling, no painting – heat welded seams.
7. Eco friendly – L.E.E.D. certified – No copper oxide for cedar pressure treatment.
8. Durability – 10 yr warranty. Duradek reputed to last 20-25yrs.
Bonus – Can create dry space storage under decks and rooftop walkways.
Wood Decking
1. For the D.I.Yers this can be a fun project but for those who don’t have the time or the skills this will be costly with materials and labour.
2. The finished product is beautiful. We all love wood.
3. Maintenance – scrubbing, fixing, painting both time consuming and costly when compared to vinyl Duradek.
4. Not hassle free – construction involves vetting contractors and weighing up quotes vs a one-stop shop.
5. Mold – wood ages and is susceptible to mold over time. Duradek vinyl doesn’t have this problem.
If you haven’t already guessed the verdict does seem one-sided. For a hassle-free, more durable and more cost effective deck to enjoy this summer a Duradek vinyl covering does outweigh cedar.